Category: Vulnerabilities

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How To Test For Prototype Pollution

Testing for client-side prototype pollution DOM Invader provides a number of features to help you test for client-side prototype pollution vulnerabilities. These enable you to perform the following key tasks: Automatically detect sources for prototype pollution in the URL and any JSON objects sent via web messages. This includes detecting alternative techniques using the same source. Generate…
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Prototype Pollution

What Is Prototype Pollution? Prototype pollution is a vulnerability that enables threat actors to exploit JavaScript runtimes. In a prototype pollution attack, threat actors inject properties into existing JavaScript construct prototypes, attempting to compromise the application. This vulnerability is called prototype pollution because it allows threat actors to inject values that overwrite or pollute the…
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Malware For Apple M1 Chip Has Been Discovered For The First Time In The Wild

The first malware variant custom-fitted to run locally on Apple’s M1 chips has been found, hinting another advancement that demonstrates that threat actors have started adjusting with vindictive software to focus on the organization’s most recent generation of Macs fueled by its own processors. While the transition to Apple silicon has required developers to construct…
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Many Video Calling Platforms Vulnerable To Snooping Due To A Bug In Agora SDK

McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research Team, published a report/research, according to which, attackers or hackers would have been able to snoop or spy on active private audio and video calls utilizing a critical vulnerability found in the popular SDK (Software Development Kit) of video calling platforms. The report explains that the vulnerability was found in SDK…
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A Vulnerability In Android App ShareIt May Have Allowed Hackers To Infuse Malware

Different unpatched weaknesses have been found in SHAREit, which is a famous application with more than one billion downloads, that could be mishandled to release a client’s delicate information, execute malicious code, and conceivably result in remote code execution. The vulnerabilities were discovered through Trend Micro‘s examination of the Android variant of the application that…
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Secret Chats On Telegram Could Be Exposed By Just Sending A Sticker

Details of a presently fixed vulnerability in the Telegram messaging application that might have revealed client’s secret chats, photographs, and videos to remote threat actors were revealed on Monday by cybersecurity researchers. The vulnerabilities were found by an Italy-based Shielder in iOS, Android, and macOS variants of the application. Following the capable revelation, Telegram tended…
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Android Devices Now Being Targeted By LodaRAT Windows

A former Windows RAT (Remote Access Trojan) that had the abilities of credential-stealing has now been upgraded and its scope has been widened to cover and target Android device users to increase the attacker’s espionage motives. Researchers from Cisco Talos, in a blog post, said that “The developers of LodaRAT have added Android as a…
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New Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability Being Exploited In The Wild, Update Your Chrome ASAP

A zero-day vulnerability has been patched by Google, found in desktop chrome web browser, for which the organization said that it was being exploited in the wild. The organization, Google, in a blog post, said, “Google is aware of reports that an exploit for CVE-2021-21148 exists in the wild.” The vulnerability was found and informed…
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iPhones Vulnerable To Zero-Click Spyware Attacks

36 Personal iPhones that belonged to Al-jazeera’s journalists were taken control of in a cyberattack that took place around July, August 2020. It is believed that the attack was done by nation-state-backed advanced persistent threats (APTs) groups probably belonging or linked to Middle-Eastern countries. The iMessage service of iPhone had a zero-day, exploited by attackers,…
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Researchers Discovered Hacking Of Azure Functions And Escaping Docker

Paul Litvak, a cybersecurity researcher at Interzer Lab, recently revealed an unfixed vulnerability in Microsoft Azure Functions that could be utilized by an aggressor to elevate rights and escape from the Docker container that is utilized for facilitating them (privileges). The discovery of the vulnerability occurred during the Intezer Lab’s examinations concerning the Azure compute…
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