Tag: cyber attack

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Microsoft Believes That Government Intervention In Response To Cyber Attack Would Result In ‘The Fog of War’

Microsoft recently took the open door to alert the central government to be aware of the issues it takes with the proposed critical infrastructure/framework legislation by highlighting a few parts of the Bill that could inadvertently make Australia’s security situation even less secure. The draft legislation being referred to, the Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2020,…
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A Severe Gap Filled By Threat Hunting

Threat hunting is a practice or act of searching for cyber threats that may have slipped into your networks. It is a severe discipline that, nowadays, more and more organizations are utilizing to destroy hidden espionage campaigns/attacks prior to letting them breach data or perform malicious operations. Since threat hunting utilizes human knowledge and experience…
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Another Malware Named Sunspot Discovered That Was Used To Insert Sunburst Malware (Backdoor) In SolarWinds Cyber Attack

CrowdStrike – a cybersecurity firm that found another malware utilized by the SolarWinds attackers to infuse the backdoor in Orion software during the supply chain assault that prompted the trade-off of a few organizations and government offices. As the research moves deeper concerning the SolarWinds supply chain attack, cybersecurity specialists have uncovered a third malware…
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Attackers Can Clone Google Titan 2FA Keys Via a Key-Recovery-Attack Using A Side Channel in NXP Chip

The most secure intends to protect one’s account from breaches, takeover, and phishing attacks is considered to be the hardware security keys likewise served by Yubico and Google. An examination that was published on Thursday explained how an attacker in control of a gadget with two-factor authentication (2FA) can mirror it by misusing the side-channel…
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